Vertical Layouts

You can change or customize the left side navigation very easily. Following guide would help you to do that.

How to add new menu items/change menu items?

In order to add, change or remove menu items from the left side navigation, simply edit in file src/html/partials/left-sidebar.html. The change would reflect in all the html files automatically. We are using gulp-file-include which would actually take care of including the left-sidebar.html file content in all the html pages.

How to change width?

In order to change the width of left side navigation bar, open a file src/scss/_variables.scss and change the value of variable $leftbar-width. The default value is set to 240px.

How to change background or menu text color?

In order to change the background color, open a file src/scss/scss/_variables.scss and change the value of variable $bg-leftbar-light the default light value is set to #ffffff, $bg-leftbar-dark the default dark value is set to #38414a.

When you change the background color, you might want to change the color of menu accordingly. To change the color of menu item, change the variable $menu-item (Default is set to #cedce4). Similarly, change the value of variables $menu-item-hover and $menu-item-active.

You can change other styles by making modifications in src/scss/custom/structure/_left-menu.scss.

How to use pre-built layouts?

Each of the layout options is provided below with steps you would need to perform:

Sidebar with User
Add @@include('./partials/left-sidebar-user.html') in your html to have sidebar with user badge on top.
Small Sidebar
Keep your body element with class left-side-menu-sm E.g. <body class="left-side-menu-sm"> to have small sidebar.
Dark Sidebar
Keep your body element with class left-side-menu-dark E.g. <body class="left-side-menu-dark"> to have dark sidebar.
Light Topbar
Add @@include('./partials/topbar-light.html') in your html to have light styled topbar.
Collapsed Sidebar
Keep your body element with class enlarged and data attribute data-keep-enlarged="true" E.g. <body class="enlarged" data-keep-enlarged="true"> to have collapsed sidebar.
Boxed layout
Keep your body element with class enlarged boxed-layout and data attribute data-keep-enlarged="true" E.g. <body class="enlarged boxed-layout" data-keep-enlarged="true"> to have boxed layout.
In order to add pre-loader in your page, include following html after body element. <div id="preloader"> <div id="status"> <div class="spinner">Loading...</div> </div> </div>