Added coompletely re-designed layouts choices with new modern look and feel
Improved SCSS support which allows easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables
Added new UI elements, components and widgets
Added multiple sample application pages including Kanban board, project management, task management, tickets management, etc
Added Gulp workflow for easy development and tooling
Update Bootstrap to 4.1.0 version
Some bugs are fixed
Update Bootstrap to 4.0.0 version
Updated plugins:
Ladda button 0.9.8 to 1.0.6
Ion Rangeslider 2.1.4 to 2.2.0
Select2 4.0.3 to 4.0.5
Bootstrap touchspin 3.0.1 to 3.1.2
Parslayjs 2.1.3 to 2.8.1
Summernote 0.8.2 to 0.8.8
Dropzone old to 5.2.0
Responsive tables 5.0.4 to 5.3.2
Footables 2.0.3 to 3.1.6
Morris chart 0.5.0 to 0.5.1
Chartjs 2.1.4 to 2.7.1
Peity chart 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
Chrtist chart 0.9.8 to 0.11.0
- Added new datatables
Update Bootstrap to 4.0.0-beta version
Added new demos: Material Design (Dark),Purple (Horizontal),Purple (Dark),Boxed (Dark),Light - RTL (Dark).
Added Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 version with material design.
Added Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 version with material design - horizontal.
Added Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 version.
Added Pages:
- Sweet Alert 2
- Dripicons
- Jquery Filer
- Gallery 2
Updated Pages:
Added frontend template
Added RTL version for Horizontal layout
Added RTL version for Vertical layout
Added Layouts:
- Light - Dark
- Horizontal - Full Dark
- Vertical - Boxed
- Horizontal - Boxed
Added Pages:
- Dashboard 4
- Video
- JsGrid table
- Ecommerce-product-detail page
Updated Pages:
- Ecommerce - Products
- Sweet Alert - added Bootstrap sweet alert
Updated Plugins:
- Bootstrap to 3.3.7
- Notify.js to 0.4.2
- Ion-range slider to 2.1.4
- Bootstrap slider to 9.1.1
- Isotope to 3.0.1
- Animate css
- Sweet alert to Bootstrap Sweet Alert
- Font Awesome to 4.6.3
- Bootstrap tag-input to 0.8.0
- Select 2 to 4.0.3
- Bootstrap select to 1.10.0
- Parsley.js to 2.4.3
- Moment.js to 2.14.1
- Bootstrap timepicker to 0.5.2
- Colorpicker
- Bootstrap datepicker to 1.6.1
- Summernote to 0.8.1
- Wysiwyg to 4.4.1
- Codemirror to 5.17.0
- Bootstrap table to 1.11.0
- Flot chart to 0.8.3
- Morris chart to 0.5.1
- Chart.js to 2.1.4
- Chartist.js to 0.9.8 (Added tooltips option)
- Fullcalendar to 2.9.0
- Slimscroll.js to 1.3.8
- Scrollto js to 2.1.3
Fixed issue for arrow in sidebar
This update is containing following updates:
- Added loading buttons.
- Added masonry layout page.
- Added code-editor page.
- Added taskboard page.
- Updated datatable, added new table layout
This update is containing following updates:
- Added treeview page in component library
- Added product tour
- Updated datatable, added new table layout
- Updated profile page with new layout
- Added new widgets in ui library - added new social network related widgets
- Updated Form (Advanced), added auto complete input
- Fixed inbox page, made it more responsive for mobile devices
What's new?
- Added a new color schemes i.e. flat(purple) and dark.
What's new?
- Added a new layout with horizontal navigation
- Added a new layout with dark sidebar (left bar navigation menu)
- Removed loader from all page - many of our buyer requested to remove it.
Following issues are fixed:
Fixed sidebar for mobile devices, now it will not be displayed by default. Previously this was taking some space on mobile devices.
Fixed issue in invoice pages, made it printer friendly.
Fixed issue of fixed height with form wizard.
What's new?
Added typicons font icons.
Added Tablesaw table.
Added Ricksaw charts.
What's updated?
Bootstrap updated to v3.3.6
Datatable is updated.
Fontawesome updated to 4.5
Issue fixed :
Menu and other items was not clickable on Iphone and ipad.
Menu item should be active when the page is opened.
For mobile, the sidebar menu should be expandable.
What's new?
Fixed issue with bootstrap table
Fixed issue with datatable. Now it's responsive.
Added new color scheme. I called it dark layout.
Added loader. May be I remove it in next version.