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Rang Sliders

Start without params 10010
Set min value, max value and start point 100550
Set type to double and specify range, also showing grid and adding prefix "$" $200$80002505007501 000
Set up range with negative values -500500-1 000-50005001 000
Using step 250 -500500-1 000-50005001 000
Set up range with fractional values, using fractional step -3.23.2-12.8-6.406.412.8
Set up you own numbers 010100 0000101001 00010 0001 000 000
Using any strings as your values tenfivezerofoureight
One more example with strings DecemberAprilJanuaryMayJulySeptember
No prettify. Big numbers are ugly and unreadable 100000010000010005005001000000