Installing Grunt: Run npm install grunt --save-dev
command from your teminal to install grunt within your project.
Grunt Sass: Run grunt sass
command from your project directory. It will compile SASS to CSS for the project. This will read the file `assets/scss/filename.scss` and output a plain-css file to `/assets/css/filename.css`.
Grunt JSHint: Run grunt jshint
command from your project directory. It will checks all *.js files under `assetsjs/filename` for common syntax or coding errors using the JSHint utility.
Grunt Sprite: Run grunt sprite
command from your project directory.
Further help: To get more help on the grunt checkout Grunt
Note: However, any SASS code you write must be able compile via Grunt as well.It will generate pre-compiled javascript templates. Reads all the *.html files from `assets/js/filename` and outputs `assets/js/filename.templates.js`. Template.js will contains code of UI design and will be change each time you build solution through above command.
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file.